Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis making his contribution to the Budget debate on Wednesday, June 1. (Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune Staff)

NASSAU, Bahamas – Prime Minister Phillip “Brave” Davis has revealed his administration has approved over $2bn in investments since assuming office last year, The Tribune reported on Thursday, June 2, in an article written by Leandra Rolle.

In his budget communication in the House of Assembly June1 Mr Davis said the investment – which he did not detail – would allow for additional revenue growth and more economic opportunities for the Bahamian people.

The Prime Minister said since being elected to office, his administration has worked hard “to lay down a strong foundation for change across our islands.”

Pointing to the government’s decision to remove the COVID-19 emergency orders, reopen the economy and relaunch projects, Mr Davis told MPs the country’s future is already looking brighter under the direction of his administration.

“We have approved over $2 billion in new investments in just the last eight months. That’s a lot of new opportunities and revenue coming our way. But I want to emphasize that we have a new way of doing business,” he said.

“First, it is important to us to attract major, top-quality investments in the Family Islands, as opposed to more Nassau-centric efforts in the past. Second, we are working hard to make sure new investments have a positive and meaningful impact on the community in which they’re located.

“We’re looking at past agreements, too, and a new compliance unit within the Bahamas Investment Authority will ensure that promises made to local communities will be promises kept. This is not an adversarial process; we are just committed to making sure that promises made to Bahamians on paper actually materialise in our communities as real and tangible benefits.” See complete article in The Tribune at http://www.tribune242.com/news/2022/jun/02/davis-2bn-investments-approved-government/