(EDITOR’S NOTE: Chrishna Bowe, who lives in Freeport, Grand Bahama, posted this excellent article on Facebook on Tuesday, June 2, 2024, that I decided to share with readers of my Washington, D’C.–based online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.)


FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, January 3, 2024 — Moments. They can happen so quickly that if we’re not careful it’s gone before we even realize it. We hear it all the time but I don’t think we still really make the effort to be intentional about enjoying the moments of joy and love we experience. If only in the little ways.


Unfortunately, the bad moments, the devastating moments, become etched in our brains forever and we lament over them over and over again. For the life of me I cannot understand why the brain can so easily retain negative experiences but positive experiences seem to be very fleeting. I am not sure how scientific the stats were, but I read that it takes about 16 positive thoughts to cancel one negative one. That is wild! But what it does prove is that we have to be intentional and fanatical about focusing on our positive moments because they can be so easily stripped away. And that is the main jest behind this article. Treasure our moments. Hold them close to our hearts. Purposely think about them often. Appreciate them. Magnify them. Because they are there and they make our lives better.

As I went through the holidays this became so apparent to me. Maybe it’s because I was not well a few weeks before and had been struggling with some issues. But whatever the reason, I felt very moved to be here. I watched our family open gifts and I just savored it. We visited friends and I just sat back and observed the laughter and the hugs and the arguing and again I smiled. I was happy to be a witness there. To experience these small but big blessings.

And no, we did nothing that was super spectacular or over the top, but my heart was full. I was so grateful to just experience it. I don’t think anyone knew what I was doing and I was smiling a whole lot but every so often I just paused and looked around me. I had to just whisper a thank you to God for not only being there but being “present”.  For friends and family who become your wingmen when you need a hand. For so many being in good health and for the provisions of food and fun. I am still savoring my moments.

So, take a minute, look around you, enjoy your people, enjoy the smiles and enjoy yourself. Life is for the living. Never let a moment go unnoticed.

As always, a huge thank you to all my amazing family and friends who really stepped up in the last few weeks and years. I love and appreciate you all. Y’all are my wingmen!

May your lives be absolutely amazingly blessed! Much love and light. ❤️

Chrishna Bowe