Seabreeze MP Leslia Miller-Brice, Bahamas Ambassador to CARICOM.


(EDITOR’S NOTE: This excellent commentary was posted on her Facebook page by Seabreeze MP Leslia Miller-Brice, Bahamas Ambassador to CARICOM, on December 30. It addresses an extremely important issue, so I decided to share it with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE as a Guest Commentary.)

NASSAU, Bahamas — The report of yet another heinous act of sexual assault on a woman this past week is cause for concern for all Bahamians. Equally alarming is the report of how the matter was handled as far as alerting the public.

Women are the backbone of our society and while we live in a fairly safe society for the most part, the reality is women remain at constant risk of not only being attacked in this way but also having the danger minimized or marginalized as routine. Rape is not routine and we should reject it roundly as a society.

To the brave young lady who had the courage to share her painful reality, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

To the silent and silenced victims near and far, I encourage you to be brave and share your stories. Know that you are equally brave if you decide that’s not for you or that you are not ready. You are stronger than you will ever know and whenever it is time, it is time. We are here for you.

As a woman, a mother, a daughter, sister and a friend, I stand with you and advocate for justice for all women who are victims of not only sexual assault but also the suppression of these crimes. I thank the Royal Bahamas Police Force for their swift action in arresting the culprit and I call for more patrols and increased attention to public safety.

Silence should no longer be an option when it comes to the assault of our women and girls.