FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, July 29, 2021 — “It’s often said that if a lie is repeated often enough and go unchallenged, to the gullible it becomes truth.”
Last night, Wednesday, July 28, 2021, Prime Minister Dr. Hubert A. Minnis gave what served as nothing more than an informercial for the FNM’s 2021-2022 election campaign.
To the more astute, objective viewers, the Prime Minister’s speech was nothing more than a desperate man’s failed attempt to cling to power using the same old lies such as “It’s the People’s time.”
For others, such as myself, Hubert Minnis speech served as his final Farewell Address to the Nation. The Prime Minister is fully cognizant of the fact that his day of reckoning is now fast approaching.
As is the characteristics of this FNM administration’s four-plus years of governance, Hubert Minnis speech was laced with half-truths, deceit, lies and his hidden agenda of corruption.
Complicit in this governance of lies, deceit and corruption are the five (5) Members of Parliament/Ministers for the island of Grand Bahama.
- Michael Pintard, Marco City
- Iram Lewis, Central Grand Bahama
- Peter Turnquest, East Grand Bahama. (Of course, Mr. Turnquest has been denied the nomination to seek reelection and has been replaced by Kwasi Thompson.)
- Pakesia Parker-Edgecombe, West Grand Bahama.
- Frederick McAlpine, Pineridge. (In the case of Mr. McAlpine, he was not totally “complicit”, given the fact that he has been at odds with the government throughout his tenure in the House, and also has been denied the nomination to seek reelection.)
Eye Witness News, Beyond The Headlines host, Clint Watson, exposed the lies of Hubert Minnis and his failed FNM administration for all the world to see. The lies, deceit, corruption and mismanagement of Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to Grand Bahama and Abaco.
Based on reports, Hubert Minnis and his band of merry men and women borrowed billions of dollars in their efforts to “mismanage” Hurricane Dorian and the COVID-19 pandemic. What they did not say was that they needed a vehicle to funnel money through to ensure that the “boys” got theirs. Hence, the creation of the Disaster Reconstruction Authority.
To prove this, let’s take a closer look:
As of today’s date, with millions of dollars being donated in cash, building supplies, food, water etc., persons are still living in rat-infested tents on Sweeting’s Cay and other parts of East Grand Bahama.
As you go to homes in the inner-city of Freeport, many of the homes are in the same condition or worse since Dorian hit Grand Bahama.
“Where did the MONEY go?”
Under the Leadership of Phillip “Brave” Davis and the Progressive Liberal P[arty, millions of dollars of building supplies, food and water were donated on the island of Grand Bahama and Abaco.
Where did the Money go Minnis? Where did the MONEY go?
For almost six weeks — daily, twice-per-day — from its headquarters on Grand Bahama, the Progressive Liberal Party provided hot food to whomever –FNM, DNA, PLP, party colours did not matter.
So again I ask Minnis, “Where did the MONEY go?”
Thanks to the ROTARY CLUB and other NGO’s, homes are presently being rebuilt and repaired on Sweeting’s Cay and other parts of East Grand Bahama.
“Tell us Prime Minister Minnis, let us know: “Where did the People’s money go?”