Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance K. Peter Turnquest


WASHINGTON, D.C., April 8, 2021 — I received a letter this morning from former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance K. Peter Turnquest that I am compelled to share with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE. It is a response to my  claim, on several occasions, that when he was Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, he personally blocked implementation of a proposal that I submitted to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to continue doing what I did at the Embassy of The Bahamas in Washington, D.C., for four-plus years before the change of government in The Bahamas in May of 2017 on a contractual basis.

Almost three years ago I was informed by Ambassador Sidney Collie that an amended version of my proposal had been approved, and this was confirmed by Attorney General Carl Bethel, who indicated that it had been sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. I personally presented my original proposal to Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis when I was in Nassau in November of 2017 promoting my novel WOES OF LIFE. In it I seeking a financial remuneration of $4,000 a month, but that was subsequently reduced to $2,000 a month, and it is this amount that I was led to believe had been approved.


I was indeed informed by a reliable source that former Deputy Prime Minister Turnquest was responsible for blocking its implementation, but as Mr. Turnquest notes in his letter, “For your record however you give me too much credit.  I have not had charge or significant influence over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or its offices and thus your claims are particularly odious and unfounded.  During my tenure as Minister of Finance I took my job seriously and performed it without question or hint of impropriety in strict observation of my fiduciary responsibility to the Bahamian people and the Cabinet of the Bahamas, ensuring they get value for money as best I could.  Your suggestions otherwise are thus offensive and uncalled for.”

The truth of the matter is that Peter and I were very good friends when I lived in Freeport and was editor of The Freeport News. What’s more, we were both members of the Rotary Club of Lucaya, in which he established an excellent record of adhering to Rotary International’s motto, SERVICE ABOVE SELF, long before I became a member and he is one of its outstanding Past-Presidents.

Given the fact Foreign Affairs Minister Darren Henfield has not yet responded to any of my appeals for him to look into why my “approved proposal” was never implemented, I am now inclined to believe that I was provided with false information when I was told that Mr. Turnquest personally blocked implementation of my proposal; therefore, I would like to offer a public apology in responding to this statement in his letter: “While I do not expect you to have the decency and integrity to retract your statements, I would recommend that you focus your attention to your matters, which are no fault or consequence of mine, and seek God’s face while he may still be found.”

With the possibility of eviction from my apartment imminent as a result of a D.C Superior Court Landlord/Tenant Court ruling on Wednesday, March 17, in favour of my landlord for back rent that I owe, I have taken the extraordinary step of publicly appealing for financial assistance from friends in The Bahamas, which is probably what Mr. Turnquest is referring to in his letter when he says my appeal “has taken some viral interest here in the Bahamas which unfortunately demands that I address you on the matter as this is not the first time you have referred to me in a slanderous article claiming that somehow I have deprived you of a contract or financial assistance in either my personal or public service office.”

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the D.C. Court granted a stay of its judgment against me until June 1, 2021, which means that no eviction action can be taken by my landlord until after that date. As I noted in my “appeal article,” given my vast experience as a veteran journalist, I have launched a vigorous campaign among the candidates who have been ratified to run in the upcoming general election to assist in promoting their campaigns and, hopefully, I shall be able to “put my financial house in order” before June 1.

Obviously, missing the April 5 deadline to pay this month’s rent was the catalyst for tremendous stress these past several days, but fortunately the $1,400 stimulus check that I was eligible to receive as a naturalized American citizen was deposited in my Bank of America account yesterday and I shall pay this month’s rent on Friday. However, whether or not I am able to demonstrate to my landlord that a concerted effort is being made to pay next month’s rent on time and drastically reduce the back rent that I owe will depend largely on the level of response I receive from friends in The Bahamas to my appeal for assistance. For those who have not seen my appeal, my Royal Bank of Canada account number is: 05285-735-231-3.


Dear Oswald,

Your referenced article has taken some viral interest here in the Bahamas which unfortunately demands that I address you on the matter as this is not the first time you have referred to me in a slanderous article claiming that somehow I have deprived you of a contract or financial assistance in either my personal or public service office.

I find your latest charge particularly distressing as you sought to intentionally harm me in my professional capacity in regards to matters you are obviously unacquainted with, truly unfortunate.  Integrity matters and I put mine up against yours any day.

Sir once again let me confirm for you that I have not been and I am not involved in your matter by deliberate choice.  The fact that your “friends” have abandoned you and not reached out to you is the real tragic story in this and maybe its them that you should have directed your caustic comments.  You and I have had no dealings since you left Freeport for Washington and by personal choice you burned our friendship in favor of what you though was politically expedient years ago.  Why you chose to continue to scandalize my name now, when it is not even politically relevant is a mystery but I’m sure you have your reasons and I hope it pays off for you.  Unfortunately you have been used in the past and look to be used again sadly.  Pathetic!

For your record however you give me too much credit.  I have not had charge or significant influence over the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or its offices and thus your claims are particularly odious and unfounded.  During my tenure as Minister of Finance I took my job seriously and performed it without question or hint of impropriety in strict observation of my fiduciary responsibility to the Bahamian people and the Cabinet of the Bahamas, ensuring they get value for money as best I could.  Your suggestions otherwise are thus offensive and uncalled for.

While I do not expect you to have the decency and integrity to retract your statements, I would recommend that you focus your attention to your matters, which are no fault or consequence of mine, and seek God’s face while he may still be found.  As I wrote to you when you leveled your first unprovoked attack on me leading into the 2012 general elections, to that point I considered you a friend and had no personal animosity or issue with you to seek your destruction.   As then, I remain thoroughly disappointed and hurt by your unsolicited attack in furtherance of what you must have thought would grant you political favor.  You should be aware I am no longer a candidate in the upcoming general elections and thus your efforts have fallen on barren ground once again.

Ossie, unfortunately up to now I have not given you much thought at all given the stance you took towards me.  I will maintain that stance but I will not let your continue to defame me without evidence to prove your claims.  You have nothing I want but if necessary I will go after your name like you have gone after mine for no good reason.  I hope this is the end of it and you can find peace in your heart from the hurt your “friends” have caused you by abandoning you in your time of need.  I pray for you and your comfort sir.

Happy Easter season!

Best regards,

K. Peter Turnquest, MP
East Grand Bahama