NASSAU, Bahamas – Prime Minister Dr. Hubert A. Minnis’ decision to order the Commissioner of Police to make two trips to Parliament Square, just hours apart, on Wednesday, August 18 – first to prorogue Parliament and later to announce a date for a new session of the House of Assembly – was likened to the behaviour of “a school yard bully and a man obsessed with power.”

In a press statement released Wednesday night, Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Fred Mitchel said, “For several months now, when Dr. Minnis was visiting police stations and making personal demands on officers to cite residents, we called him out for his abusive and dictator-like behaviour.
“Today, 18 August, like a school yard bully and a man obsessed with power, Dr. Minnis ordered the Commissioner of Police to make two trips to Parliament Square, just hours apart, to remind us he is still uncaring, inept, unashamedly confused, abusive and unfortunately still in charge.”
Mr. Mitchell said the Bahamian people “will long remember that during arguably our nation’s worst healthcare crisis and a noted rise in gun-related murders and violent crimes, our Prime Minister and this lousy FNM government drew the attention of the populace and directed our country’s top law enforcement officers Downtown Nassau for an exercise in egotistical and abusive nothingness.”
“Our nation is on the brink of collapse and our loved ones are dying while Dr. Minnis play mind and mad man petty games,” Mr. Mitchell said, adding: “Dr. Minnis and the FNM have failed the Bahamian people. They must go.”