WASHINGTON, D.C — His Excellency Masood Khan, Ambassador of Pakistan to the United States, paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Wendall Jones, Bahamas to the United States, on Thursday, July 20, 2023
The two diplomats discussed matters of mutual interest to their countries, including increasing trade relations, , the effects of climate change, relations with neighbouring countries, and CARICOM’s influence in the international arena. Ambassador Khan expressed an interest in visiting The Bahamas in the near term.
A distinguished diplomat with over 30 years in the diplomatic community, Ambassador Khan was the President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, a self-governing region controlled by Pakistan, from 2016 to 2021. In recent years, Ambassador Khan also served as spokesman for Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador to the UN and China, and President of the UN Security Council.
Ambassador Jones, who was President and CEO of Jones Communications International Limited in Nassau before his diplomatic appointment, spoke of his life as a Journalist prior to becoming Ambassador to the U.S. and presented Ambassador Khan with a copy a book on The Bahamas’ 50th Anniversary that was produced by Jones Communications Network.