(EDITOR’S NOTE: Prime Minister Philip E. Davis on Friday, August 4,  shared this assortment of “good news” on his Facebook page. We decided to share it as a Guest Commentary with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.)


NASSAU, Bahamas, August 4, 2023 — What a month! Our economy is growing, and with so many new jobs, unemployment hit a 15-year low! We celebrated 50 years of independence and reflected together on the way forward. We welcomed Bahamian families into their new homes – expanding home ownership is key.

Prime Minister Philip E. Davis

We cheered on our athletes at The Bahamas Games and the Babe Ruth Baseball Caribbean Championship while coming together for some friendly competition in the Pastors vs. Politicians Basketball Game. We stood up for The Bahamas, demanding that Europe treat our financial services industry the same way they treat their own.

We introduced two historic pieces of legislation in Parliament, one to increase accountability to citizens by strengthening the independence of the legislative branch and another to take important steps to protect those suffering from domestic violence. 

We lifted up inspiring and passionate activists at the Bahamas Youth Climate Conference. We ended July celebrating and promoting Bahamian entrepreneurs, musicians and artists at the Goombay Summer Festival in Cat Island. Forward, Upward, Onward, Together!