WASHINGTON., D.C., March 14, 2020 — I had not been out of my apartment for a couple days, but I had to get out today to pick up some badly needed food supplies from Safeway, a near-by supermarket. About half-hour after I got back home, I began sneezing a lot and it felt as if my facial temperature was rising. Given the considerable concerns that  the COVID-19 pandemic has generated worldwide, panic gripped me, but after a couple drinks of Dewars White Label Scotch  and an excellent dinner, my fears that I may have been infected by the COVID-19 virus  dissipated.

Of course, I am still very much concerned about the Superior Court MOTION FOR JUDGMENT that ( received last week from the lawyer for my landlord, Mill Creek Residential Trust LLC, requesting me to appear in Court on Thursday, March 19, because I failed to live up to a Court-sanctioned agreement I signed on November 19, 2019 to pay my accumulated back rent over an extended period and pay my monthly rent on time at the first of the month. Judgment in favor of the landlord will almost certainly lead to eviction.

As I noted in my recent OSWALD BROWN WRITES COLUMN, “I have decided to bury my pride and take the extraordinary step of launching a GO FUND ME DRIVE, with the hope that I still have some friends in The Bahamas who would respond positively to my urgent need for financial help. I really would not be in the position I am in if it were not for the fact that when my diplomatic appointment was rescinded, I submitted a proposal to the government for me to continue doing what I did at the Embassy through THE BROWN AGENCY on a contractual basis. That proposal was revised down to a very affordable rate, and  I was told more than a year ago by Ambassador Sidney Colliie that it had been approved and sent to the Attorney General’s Office for review.” For whatever reason, however, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has refused to implement it.

Concerns about COVID-19 have resulted in political leaders in the District of Columbia taking decisive  measures to ensure the protection of citizens of the nation’s capital, as is also true of governmental leaders around the country, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that my court appearance may be delayed until I can resolve my past-due rent problem.

For my friends in The Bahamas who may wish to assist me during this most difficult period of my life and make a contribution to my GO FUND ME DRIVE, my Royal Bank of Canada account number is 735-231-3.  Meanwhile, as one who totally believes that my Lord  and Savior Jesus Christ is in the driver’s seat of my life, my hopes that everything will “work out well” were  buoyed by this classic hymn posted today by Rosemary Clarise Hanna.