(EDITOR’S NOTE: I saw this insightful post on Andrew J. Burrows’ Facebook page, and I was compelled to share  because it reflects how I feel as a result of  victimization by the former FNM government headed by then Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis.)


NASSAU, Bahamas, February 22, 2022 — In my last conversation with the PM, he got philosophical with me. We were on a very long boat ride from Ocean Cay to Bimini.

We were in the control deck of an RBDF craft with several officers and the captain, but it was a two-person conversation.
He said, “God has an avenging angel, you know. He could take vengeance but he allows an angel to execute his will.”

I smiled inside. I believe he was telling me to let things take their own course and not let revenge be my business. Smart man.

He shared with me some examples of how he was stabbed in the back in very public ways and how he didn’t let that factor into decisions he ultimately made to the benefit of some of the very people who betrayed him. That was heavy on my mind yesterday.

I looked him in the eyes as he said this and I could tell that while he was disappointed and hurt by some people’s actions, his spirit was at peace. Again, that was heavy on my mind yesterday.

I won’t seek vengeance. That’s not my job. It doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Just not by my doing. Thanks Brave.