NASSAU, Bahamas — ArawakX is set to soon bring 12 more companies to its crowdfunding platform, the company’s Chief Technology Officer D’Arcy Rahming Jr., said yesterday, explaining that the documentation for the companies is currently with the Securities Commission of The Bahamas, The Nassau Guardian reported on Friday, May 13.
Only one of the companies of the three first to be listed on ArawakX’s platform met its minimum funding price.
Red Lobster Bahamas was successful in raising more than $2 million on the platform.
Rahming said while the other companies were not successful in meeting their minimum raise, it’s not an indictment on the companies.
“We had one success and we learned a lot about why it was successful, versus why the other ones weren’t taken up like we thought they would be,” said Rahming.
“And it’s not because the ideas themselves were rejected, but it was the way it was structured, the way the timing of certain things were, some of the legalese.”
He explained that the idea of ArawakX is also still very new to the Bahamian public and there needs to be more education around crowdfunding.
See complete article in The Nassau Guardian at https://thenassauguardian.com/arawakx-set-to-bring-12-more-firms-to-its-crowdfunding-platform/