(EDITOR’S NOTE: Chrishna Bowe, who lives in Freeport, Grand Bahama, posted this excellent article on Facebook on Thursday, January 25, 2024, that I decided to share with readers of my Washington, D.C.-based online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.)


FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, January 25, 2024 — One of the greatest offenses we can be guilty of are assumptions. But yet, we do this on a daily basis. We wrong persons, we judge persons and we misunderstand persons. We assume we know something about a situation when we barely know anything at all. We spread tales as if they are facts. Not only that, we believe without evidence or concrete proof. We forget that tongues lie. That personal opinions are not facts.That people relay information without taking any type of responsibility for that information.


I am absolutely shocked by how many times we assume and ultimately even make life judgements or decisions based on assumptions. When I was a girl growing up, there was an old saying that said take the first three letters from assume and that is what you become when you assume things about others.

I think at the core of it all, we need to be kind. More understanding and less judgement. Stop basing your opinions and conclusions about others on what you would have “heard” or what you “think”or what you may have “taken the wrong way”. Most times we don’t know the whole story. We do not know the inner challenges that many face. We do not know why a person may behave a certain way or make certain decisions. I am in no way excusing bad behavior mind you, I’m just saying sometimes we need to give a little slack. We are all out here “lifeing” and it’s not always easy. A little compassion and empathy can go a long way.

Many times, gossip is just that, gossip, and it all starts with assumptions. I cannot count how many times rumors have come back to me that were false. In fact, many borderline ridiculous! So I have learned to take information with a grain of salt. Most times if possible I prefer a direct confrontation with the source if something needs to be clarified. This is the best way to dispel or confirm a rumor or misunderstanding.

Assumptions are not facts. What they are, is very dangerous. You can damage a person’s character, relationships, livelihood and much more. So many negative repercussions can occur because of an untruth .

Today, I caution you to remember to not assume especially when you cannot definitively confirm the accuracy of information you’ve received. That is why gossip is hated by God. Nine times out of ten it’s not entirely true. Stop thinking you know stuff with limited information and the World would be a better place.

As always this message is brought to you with the utmost love for your well-being.

Much love and light to you.
Chrishna Bowe