US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden welcome Bahamas Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis and his wife Ann-Marie Davis on their arrival at the opening session of the Summit o the Americas Wednesday evening.

LOS ANGELES, Caliornia — President Joe Biden plunged into this week’s Summit of the Americas aiming to push for regional progress in addressing economic development, climate change and migration despite the absence of some notable counterparts from Latin America, THE CENTRE TIMES DAILY reported on Thursday, June 9, in an article written by Chris Megerian and Josh Boak of Associate Press.

With the U.S. playing host to the gathering for the first time since 1994, Biden and his team set about strengthening relationships and moving past the considerable drama over which world leaders would participate.

President Joe Biden speaks during the inaugural ceremony of the Summit of the Americas, Wednesday, June 8, 2022, in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) EVAN VUCCI AP

“At this summit,” Biden said in his opening remarks Wednesday night, “we have an opportunity for us to come together around some bold ideas, ambitious actions and to demonstrate to our people the incredible power of democracies to deliver concrete benefits and make life better for everyone. Everyone.”

The U.S. president was expected to spend Thursday sitting down with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, as well as deliver a speech to the broader group of attendees. Vice President Kamala Harris was to meet with Caribbean leaders to talk about clean energy, and first lady Jill Biden was hosting a brunch to build relationships with fellow spouses. The day is expected to end with a dinner at the Getty Villa, an art museum with views of the Pacific Ocean.

A range of activists from the United States and dissidents from the region have been gathering around the Los Angeles convention center, where most of the meetings are taking place, to promote their causes. There could be tension when Biden meets for the first time with Bolsonaro, an ally of former President Donald Trump.

Bolsonaro is running for a second term and has been casting doubt on the credibility of his country’s elections, something that has alarmed officials in Washington. When Bolsonaro accepted an invitation to the summit, he asked that Biden not confront him over his election attacks, according to three of the Brazilian leader’s Cabinet ministers, who requested anonymity to discuss the issue.

Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, rejected the idea that Biden had agreed to any conditions for the meeting with Bolsonaro.

“There are no topics off limits in any bilateral the president does, including with President Bolsonaro,” Sullivan told reporters. He added, “I do anticipate that the president will discuss open, free, fair and transparent democratic elections.”

Biden began emphasizing the theme on Wednesday as he welcomed leaders to the summit. “Democracy is a hallmark of our region,” he said. It also became a sticking point when planning the guest list for the event.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wanted the leaders of Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua to be invited, but the U.S. resisted because it considers them authoritarians. Ultimately an agreement could not be reached, and López Obrador decided not to attend. Neither did the presidents of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. Honduras Foreign Relations Secretary Eduardo Enrique Reina spoke about President Xiomara Castro’s decision to stay away.

“The president was very clear that this should be a summit without exclusions,” Reina said.

Still, he said the Honduran government was ready to work on common problems, saying, “The political will to work with all countries in the Americas is there.”

It’s a reminder that relations with Latin America have proved tricky for the administration even as it solidifies ties in Europe, where Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has prompted closer cooperation, and in Asia, where China’s rising influence has rattled some countries in the region. One challenge is the unmistakable power imbalance in the hemisphere. See complete CENTRE DAILY TIMES article at