Alrae Ramsey (left) and Blair John

NASSAU, Bahamas – Initial  reports from the autopsies of Alrae Ramsey and Blair John have added another layer of questions to the mystery of the men’s deaths, The Tribune reported June 11.

According to some Italian news outlets, results of the autopsies conducted yesterday confirm both men died as a result of drowning.

There were also wounds on one of them that suggested his body was dragged, other reports say.

John’s mother Cathleen Rahming told The Tribune last week that he was a strong swimmer and fit. His relatives, The Tribune was told, have rejected the autopsy findings and are waiting for CCTV evidence that could give better insight into the situation.

A source close to the matter told this newspaper that a third Bahamian was to meet both Ramsey and John in Italy, but he never made the trip due to an issue with a visa. He allegedly booked the room at bed and breakfast, Via la Loggia 2 in Turin, where the men were staying.

Italian authorities first pulled the remains of Ramsey from the Po River in Turin, Italy last Tuesday. John’s corpse was recovered several hours after.

The developments came as Ellison Greenslade, high commissioner of the Bahamas to the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, has been dispatched to Italy to make further inquiries into the circumstances surrounding the deaths. The former police commissioner arrived in Italy on Saturday.

According to Italian news outlet Torino Today, there was also confusion over the men’s luggage. The translated article is below.