Governor-General Cynthia A. Pratt speaking with one of the exhibitors during her tour of small business enterprises.


WASHINGTON, D.C., August 1, 2024 – Bahamas Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell, who is currently in Botswana heading a Bahamas delegation that is accompanying Bahamas Governor-General Cynthia A. Pratt on a five-day official state visit to Botswana, posted a collection of photos on Facebook today and I absolutely had to share some of them with readers of my Washington, D.C. – based online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.

Mr. Mitchell posted the photos with the following narrative:

“Governor General Dame Cynthia Pratt on her third day of the state visit to Botswana visited the small business enterprises for young people with the Minister for Youth of Botswana. She was joined by Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell, Director General Jerusa Ali, PS Jack Thompson, Second Secretary Kemico Sands, FSO Alanis Ingraham. At Botswana’s National Museum. 31 July 2024. Photos by Calvin Brown Jr RBDF”

BAHAMAS CHRONICLE EDITOR’S NOTE: This state visit by Her Excellency Dame Cynthia A. Pratt is a continuation of ongoing diplomatic efforts of Bahamas Prime Minister Philip E. Davis’ Administration to strengthening diplomatic and economic relationships with African countries and in the process diversify the Bahamian local economy and forge closer political and cultural ties with African nations.

The visit to Botswana by Governor-General Pratt follows relatively closely on the heels of a state visit to Botswana earlier this year by Prime Minister Davis from March 19 – 24 accompanied by Michael Halkitis, Minister of Economic Affairs; Fred Mitchell; Minister of Foreign Affairs; and Glenys Hanna-Martin, Minister of Education.

Prime Minister Davis was extended an invitation to make a state visit to Botswana by President Mogweetsi Masisi, who along with a delegation made a state visit to The Bahamas from September 12 – 15, 2023.