NASSAU, Bahamas, April 23, 2019 (BIS) — After sensational performances in the 48th CARIFTA Games in the Cayman Islands over the Easter holiday weekend, members The Bahamas track and field team returned home Tuesday, April 23, having captured a total of 26 medals — nine gold, seven silver and 10 bronze – to finish second overall. Jamaica finished in first place with a total of 85 medals — 36 gold, 33 silver and 16 bronze. The Bahamas team is pictured in the LPIA Hall of Champions after disembarking their Bahamasair Charter. Standing with them, at centre, are Minister of Social Services and Urban Development the Hon. Frankie Campbell, and Ministry of Youth Sports and Culture Permanent Secretary Rhoda Jackson, who accompanied the athletes. Also pictured is Director of Sports (centre right) Timothy Munnings. (BIS Photo/Kristaan Ingraham)