First Lady Ann-Marie Davis joined members of the Zonta Club and the former representative of the Office of the Spouse, Mrs. Patricia Minnis, as they tied symbolic orange ribbons around lamp posts within the Englerston community during a brief ceremony on Saturday, November 13.

NASSAU, Bahamas (BIS) — Under the theme, “Orange The New World,” Mrs. Ann Marie Davis, wife if Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis and representative of the Office of the Spouse, joined members of the Zonta Club on Saturday, November 13, in a campaign to bring increased awareness, accountability and an end to the social scourge of Gender Based Violence (GBV).

In brief remarks, Mrs. Davis encouraged residents in communities everywhere to be our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers and protectors.

“Look for signs of abuse among your neighbors in your community and call the hotline to report these suspicious signs” said Mrs. Davis. “Let’s work together to bring an end to the scourge of violence against women and girls.”

Mrs. Davis  joined  members of the Zonta Club and the former representative of the Office of the Spouse, Mrs. Patricia Minnis, as they tied symbolic orange ribbons around lamp posts within the Englerston community during a brief ceremony on Saturday, November, 13 .