NASSAU, Bahamas — The United States has taken the most interest in The Bahamas’ goods and services offer to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Bahamas’ chief WTO negotiator Zhivargo Laing said Wednesday, adding that seven WTO member countries have asked The Bahamas to set lower tariff rates on certain products, one of them being poultry, the Nassau Guardian reported January 11.
Laing, who spoke at a press conference where he released this country’s goods and services offering, said The Bahamas’ offer was an improvement, compared to previous offers this country has made to the WTO.
The goods offer released by the government lays out how much customs duties would be reduced, should The Bahamas join the WTO, while the services offer outlines what aspects of each service industry would be open or closed to trading countries.
Some parts of the services sector have been reserved for Bahamians.
The government still has to carry out sector-wide consultations before it goes back to the WTO to submit this country’s revised offer. https://thenassauguardian.com/2019/01/11/chief-negotiator-reveals-details-of-wto-offer/