WASHINGTON, D.C., April 22, 2019 — I am so, so happy to call all three of these beautiful ladies very dear friends. We were all members of the Rotary Club of Lucaya in Freeport when I was Editor of the Freeport News and I always looked forward to sharing lunch with them every Tuesday at our weekly meetings at the Ruby Swiss restaurant.
This photo taken last Saturday evening “in the beautiful settlement of Mac Town”, Grand Bahama, as Billy Jane Ferguson and Della Catrina Bridgewater “proudly stood with our doll Casey (Cassietta McIntosh) to witness a new chapter of her life,” as Billy Jane noted in the narrative that accompanied her post.
In addition to being my Rotary colleague, Cassietta was also my lawyer of choice in Grand Bahama and provided me with excellent legal advice whenever she handled a matter for me that required the services of someone with legal training.
Cassietta, now that you are a bride for the first time, as someone who has waded in the sometimes turbulent waters of matrimony four times, I would like to offer you some advice that I hope will be helpful as you strive to do all you can to keep the “until death do us part” commitment you made to your husband before family and friends last Saturday.
I am firmly convinced that the axiom, “Marriage is a 50-50 proposition, with both husband and wife contributing 50 percent towards its success,” is not true; rather, marriage requires a 75-75 commitment from the moment you both said, “I do.” I know that this equation mathematically does not add up to giving 100 percent, but both persons who make a commitment to spend the rest of their lives together have each got to be prepared to contribute more than 50 percent towards the success of their marital union.
In any case, look at it this way, as a former President of the Rotary Club of Lucaya, you did a fantastic job during your year in office, and the same fidelity you have shown over the years to Rotary International’s motto SERVICE ABOVE SELF should be demonstrated ten-fold to the success of your marriage
Best of luck, my dear friend and legal adviser, and may the Good Lord bless you and your husband with many, many, many years of marital bliss well beyond your rocking-chair years.