WASHINGTON, D.C., March 18, 2019 — The Bahamas Embassy Consular Annex in Washington, D.C., has revived a school-adoption program that has been dormant for several years through which the Consulate adopts a D.C. elementary school and exposes its students to various aspects of Bahamian lifestyle and culture.
Mr. Theo Neilly, Bahamas Consul General to D.C., officially visited Noyes Elementary School, 2725 10th Street N.E., for the third time, and the fifth-grade students “got to enjoy all things Bahamian during their library class on Monday, 18 March, 2019,” according to information that accompanied three photographs posted on the Consular Annex Facebook page.

“Consul General Theo Neilly and staff members Mrs. Lydia Minnis and Mr. Felipe Major proudly showcased Bahamian culture and food,” the Facebook information stated. “The children played traditional Bahamian games and sampled Bahamian sweets. The Embassy Consular Annex is thrilled to be working with Noyes Elementary School for the Embassy Adoption Program.”
Describing the visit by Consul General Neilly as “wonderful,” Noyes Elementary Librarian Aisha Randall said, “We had an excellent time learning about The Bahamas. It has been a pleasure each time he has visited us as he engaged the students and shared information about The Bahamas, some off which they would not necessarily read in books.”
Miss Randall said a visit to the Embassy Consular Annex, located at 1025 Vermont Avenue, N.W., is scheduled for May 22.
According to the school’s website, “Noyes Elementary is a member of President Obama’s Turnaround Arts (TA) program. Our teachers use art strategies to help students better understand core content. We offer arts-themed student clubs including drum ensemble, robotics, theater, and dance. As a result of this partnership, 97% of our students would recommend Noyes to a friend.”
Noyes Elementary Principal is Mr. Kermit Burks.