(EDITOR’S NOTE: Although this is short, I had to share this comment posted by Jim Storr, my very good friend from boyhood days who lives in Florida and is a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I drank a little too much Dewar’s White Label Scotch last night while watching my beloved WASHINGTON REDSKINS (aka Washington Football Team) defeat the Philadelphia Eagles, 20-14, to win our division. I did not get out of bed until after 12 noon, and when I saw Jim’s comment admitting to “having crow for breakfast,” I had to share it, especially for our mutual friends in The Bahamas, particularly those who, like Jim, are dyed-in-the-wool Cowboys fans.)
FLORIDA, January 4, 2021 — It’s with a sad heart that I pen this post to my mortal sports fan enemies who I despise with venom. Yes, I am talking about my treacherous first girl child, Lisa Storr, followed by my homeboy Oswald Brown, my frat brothers Tommy Walker ,Chuck Parker — both of them father and son — and last, but not least, Charles Cal Lawrence, who really doesn’t have a team, but always rides with whatever team wins that weekend.

Congratulations on your victory. It was the greatest theft since the earlier game my Boyz played against the Giants. If I sound like Trump, you are right. Those two games should be put in the National Archives for posterity and safe-keeping as the greatest theft in the history of the NFL.
Do I sound like a sore loser? Hell yes. Okay, there I said it. I am having crow for breakfast while you guys are having champagne. Ya happy now.
ADDITIONAL NOTE FROM EDITOR OSWALD T. BROWN: Jim Storr and I have been very good friends from we were young boys growing up in Nassau, Bahamas. I can’t recall exactly why he left St. John’s College High School in Nassau to complete his high school education at Booker T. Washington High School in Miami, Florida, but we used to hangout in Miami back then.
Because my late aunt Amanda Elliott Fox and her husband Lawrence Fox, who moved to Miami from The Bahamas in the early 1950s, owned a very nice house at 1510 N.W. 69th Terrace in Liberty City – at the time an upscale suburban area of Miami — I regularly visited Miami around that time. Jim knew all the right places for a young man in his late teens to go to meet young ladies. He was a sensational dancer and knew all the popular dances at the time.
After graduating from high school, Jim spent more than 20 years in the U.S. Army and when he retired, he and his wife at the time, Veronica Sealy Storr, who is also from The Bahamas, settled in Virginia. So, when I moved to Washington, D.C. in 1975 and previously lived in D.C. for 21 years before returning to The Bahamas in 1996, Jim and I sort of were “reunited,” so to speak.
I cherish Jim’s friendship, although when it comes football and baseball we are “bitter rivals.” As noted earlier, I am a zealous Washington Redskins fan, while he is an ardent Dallas Cowboys fan, and when it comes to baseball, I am a long-time dyed-in-the-wool Washington Nationals fan, while he is just as committed to pulling for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
So, you can imagine when my beloved Washington Redskins go on to win the Super Bowl to add to the World Series Championship won by my beloved Washington Nationals in 2019, just how much “bragging rights” I shall have when I communicate with my good friend Jim Storr on Facebook. Hopefully, this damn COVID-19 pandemic will soon be history and we can once again hang out with mutual friends at our favourite hangouts on visits to Nassau. Better luck next year, Jim. Hope the “crow” was at least delicious.