Candace Fields was among a team of shark scientists from FIU featured on “World’s Biggest Hammerhead?”, a special aired by Disney. PHOTOS: CANDACE FIELDS

NASSAU, Bahamas — While The Bahamas is a hub for shark research, it is a rarity that there is a Bahamian leading the research – this is something that Candace Fields has always aspired to change. The doctorate degree student at Florida International University (FIU) said her ultimate goal is to be the leading shark scientist in The Bahamas and to put herself in a position to advise future administrations on marine and environmental policy action based in sound science, The Nassau Guardian reported on Monday, August 8, in an article written by Shavaughn Moss.

“I hope to explore the entire Bahamian archipelago through my research though I would also eventually love to explore all of the ocean basins as I have yet to leave the Atlantic,” Fields said. “I am particularly eager to go cage diving in South Africa and hope to check that off of my list at the end of this year.”

Fields was among a team of shark scientists from FIU featured on “World’s Biggest Hammerhead?”, a special aired by Disney, which aims to highlight the critically endangered great hammerhead shark as well as the research one of her lab mates is conducting on this species.

“This work was done in both the Florida Keys and in Bimini. As such, I was given the opportunity to be a part of this show as I am a Bahamian studying shark biology, ecology and conservation, and my role was to speak to sharks and shark conservation in The Bahamas.”

Fields describes the experience as “excellent”.

“This was the first time I had been involved in a film production and it was truly an honor to be able to represent our country. Many shows revolving around sharks take place in The Bahamas but it is very rare that the scientists on screen are actually Bahamian. This was something that was very special for me. Being able to represent the country and highlight the amazing resources that we have and the fact that we are at the forefront of shark conservation globally was the most enjoyable part of the experience for me. Additionally, having the opportunity to work with both of my PhD advisors on this endeavor and having their support was a great opportunity.”

While Fields has always wanted to be a marine biologist, she said it wasn’t always clear that her dream would become a reality. And she said pursuing a doctorate degree at FIU would not have been possible without the support and mentorships she received while working at the Cape Eleuthera Institute. See complete article in The Nassau Guardian at https://thenassauguardian.com/daring-to-dive-deep/?fbclid=IwAR0xFIKW-oPk60XHzv3I18z3wWUDk01Z7VMgVeSOP-kDYYRaW8eTrG4cnKQ