(EDITOR’S NOTE: Grand Bahama-based political activist Fred Moss posted this excellent narrative on his Facebook page that we decided to share with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE as a Guest Commentary.)
FREEPORT, Grand Bahama, January 22, 2022 — Give that dog a bone. Before going on, firstly, let me say upfront that in a parliamentary democracy, the role of the official opposition is adversarial in nature and the onus is on the opposition to critique and hold the government’s feet to the fire, so to speak.
One problem, however, as of today’s date, the Davis/Cooper administration has been living up to the commitment they made to the Bahamian people via the PLP’s “Blueprint for Change” while in opposition.
With no bone on which the opposition can sink its teeth into to gain traction, the likes of the judicially condemned Dr. Duane Sands does not have the moral authority to ask for a potcake dog to resign, much less the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis, who admitted publicly that he had broken quarantine.
Where was all of this righteous indignation when Brent Symonette told the country publicly that the then Prime Minister, Hubert Minnis, had lied to the Bahamian people as it relates to the Post Office contract?
Did Dr. Duane Sands or any member of the then government call for the resignation of Hubert Minnis over the fraudulent signing of the Oban Oil Deal?
It’s now being revealed that millions of dollars took wings and flew away from the Ministry of Sports and Culture and the Parks and Beach authority. Where was the righteous indignation of Duane Sands and the call for accountability and transparency by Michael Pintard?
The time has long past for some of these Talk Show Hosts to stop making the assumption that the Bahamian people are stupid.
Like the rest of us, Talk Show Host/s are human. They too have freedom of choice and the right to state their opinion regardless of how biased or stupid they assume we are.
There is nothing wrong with going to bat for whatever political party you back, but at the very least, ensure that the persons who are being interviewed have some degree of credibility.