(EDITOR’S NOTE: This “must read” article was published in The Tribune, a leading daily newspaper in The Bahamas, on March 5, 2019)
Managing Director
Downtown Nassau Partnership
If other countries can write about how careful to be when coming to the Bahamas, we should exercise the same right to both defend our country and to alert our citizens, and by extension the world, about the dangers of other destinations.
As a former editor of a local leading newspaper said to me recently, “Its amazing what a little research will uncover”.
The Bahamas as of 2017 had a population of 395,361. That’s the number used to determine our per capita statistics. I have always felt that per capita is a little spurious when it comes to small populations. Because at the end of the day the number is the number. That is the standardized method so we will stick with that.
Over the past week I got several calls that were concerned about one thing. “If I bring my daughter to the Bahamas or if I allow her to travel there how safe is she?” To answer that question we will take Miami, Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale and the Cruise ships and compare them with the Bahamas based on 2017 statistics. http://www.tribune242.com/news/2019/mar/05/ed-fields-just-look-around-whys-spotlight-always-u/