PLP Leader Philip “Brave” Davis speaking at a press conference on Sunday.

NASSAU, Bahamas — Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis and House Speaker Halson Moultrie expect Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis to dissolve Parliament and announce an early election this week, perhaps as early as tomorrow, The Tribune reported on Monday, July 19.

During a press conference yesterday, Mr Davis also accused Dr Minnis of playing “deceptive and disrespectful games” with the timing of the election.

Meanwhile, Speaker Moultrie on Facebook said Parliament may be dissolved as early as tomorrow and that he expects the election will be called on August 17.

Other political and government insiders similarly believe Dr Minnis will dissolve Parliament this week, with an election date sometime in the first three weeks of August. The FNM’s paraphernalia is inside the country and the party has already identified rally dates through to mid-August, this newspaper understands.

Dr Minnis, however, continued to be coy about his plans last week. When asked on Friday if he plans to dissolve Parliament anytime soon, perhaps this week or next, he did not answer directly, saying he always prepares a year in advance for events.

“You would note I’ve said, repeatedly and it’s been demonstrated, I always prepare at least one year in advance,” Dr Minnis said. “I’m one of those who believe in preparation and we’re going through our preparation and in the event things should change we’re ready.”

However at a press conference yesterday, Mr Davis said the evidence of an early election is growing.

“All signs point to the bell being rang this week,” the PLP leader said. “Ballot boxes have arrived in the Family Islands. FNM signs are being moved around the country. Preparations for the advanced poll are well under way. Embassies abroad are being notified and the Speaker of the House has pointed to Tuesday as the date Parliament will be resolved. If the bell is rung on Tuesday, that leaves only tomorrow, the 19th of July, to register to vote or to transfer your registration if you have moved from one constituency to another. See complete story in The Tribune at http://www.tribune242.com/news/2021/jul/19/election-could-be-called-week-davis-claims-all-sig/