(EDITOR’S NOTE: The anniversary of The Bahamas becoming an Independent Nation has always been celebrate in grand style in Washington, D.C., but because of the impact of Hurricane Dorian on the country in September of 2019 followed by COVID-19’s crippling effects on nations world-wide, the last Independence Celebration of note in D.C. was in 2019. As we celebrate this year’s anniversary, nostalgically we decided to rerun a BAHAMAS CHRONICLE story of one of the events held during the 2019 celebrations.)
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two long-time employees of The Bahamas Embassy in Washington, D.C., were among five persons singled out for “special recognition” during The Bahamas’ 46th Independence Anniversary Reception held at the InterContinental Hotel Washington, D.C. — The Wharf, 801 Wharf Street, Washington, D.C., on Friday night, July 12, 2019.
Announcing this on its Facebook page on Sunday, July 21, The Bahamas Consular Annex stated, “The Embassy of the Bahamas and Bahamas Embassy Consular Annex’s Independence Committee wanted to honour and give special recognition to a few people who have sacrificed their time, talents and treasures to continuing the rich legacy of our nation.”
Mrs. Nesta Pathriana, a native of Sri Lanka, was recognized “for her 14 years of committed and dedicated service as an employee of the Embassy.” Mrs. Pathriana has been well-respected and efficient private secretary throughout her tenure at the Embassy
Mr. Cameron Ferguson, who has been the facilities manager for most of his tenure at the Embassy, was recognized “for being a committed and loyal employee of the Embassy for 24 years.”
Also receiving “special recognition” was Mrs. Dornell Watson-Dean, who was honoured for “her timeless service and dedication to the Bahamian Diaspora over her 29 years of employment with the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism.” See full story in BAHAMAS CHRONICLE at https://bahamaschronicle.com/five-receive-special-recognition-at-bahamas-independence-celebrations-d-c-reception/