(EDITOR’S NOTE: I posted this article in 2019 on this date, April 4, but surprisingly it did no show up on my timeline as a Facebook Memories post; rather, it was reposted this morning by David “Funky D” Ferguson as a Facebook reminder. As everyone who follows me on Facebook knows, I am a huge, huge fan of FUNKY D, one of The Bahamas’ greatest entertainers, so it was quite natural that I tagged him when I originally posted this last year. This post reminds us of the magnificent job that the staff of the Ministry of Tourism and Aviation (BMOTA) continues to do to ensure that The Bahamas maintains its reputation as one of the world’s leading tourist destinations, and although the current horrible COVID-19 pandemic has made their job tremendously more challenging for the foreseeable future, there is no question that they shall overcome the challenges they will face and continue to do the remarkable job they are doing.) Here’s the article as posted on April 4, 2019:
FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida, April 1, 2019 – The Islands Of The Bahamas are known globally as one of the top boating destinations in the western hemisphere. Moreover, recent statistics reveal that over the past three years there has been an increase of more than 60 percent in the number of boaters to The Bahamas.
Commenting on the impressive figures at the recent Palm Beach International Boat Show, Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Director General Joy Jibrilu said that the increase is “just the beginning or the tip of the iceberg.”
“We are all behind this and all over this to do everything we can to continue to grow this business,” Mrs. Jibrilu said.
The Palm Beach Boat Show, which was held March 28 – 31 at downtown West Palm Beach waterfront, featured more than $1.2 billion worth of yachts and accessories, including hundreds of boats ranging from 8-foot inflatables to super yachts near 300 ft in length.
“Coming here and seeing a boat show of this magnitude (and) getting to see first-hand — not just all the companies that are here, but the boats that range from the leisure boats to the mega yachts — also the volume of people coming in and talking business and doing business is just phenomenal,” the Director General said, adding that with the most beautiful waters in the world, coupled with its proximity to Florida, The Bahamas is poised to take full advantage. https://bahamaschronicle.com/palm-beach-boat-show-gives-th…/