WASHINGTON, D.C., June 1, 2019 — I don’t think it is a secret to anyone who follows me on Facebook that I am a huge, huge fan of David “Funky D” Ferguson. I really think he is one of The Bahamas’ greatest entertainers. Indeed, he is one of the reasons why my favourite place to stay whenever I am visiting Nassau is SuperClubs Breezes, where he and his band have been the featured entertainers for many years.
His repertoire, of course, includes his many Bahamians hit songs, but he is equally adept at singing ballads made popular by internationally acclaimed stars, more often than not – in my opinion — better than they themselves do. What’s more, his stage presence includes high-voltage-energy dance moves when he is singing some of his popular hits that defies accurate description beyond being categorized as highly entertaining.

I have stated in the past that it is an absolute shame that Funky D’s tremendous talent has not been exposed internationally more often than an occasional performance in the United States. One of the reasons why he has not “taken his show on the road” more is the fact that he decided to “play it safe” an accept a “steady job” at SuperClubs Breezes, where he has been appearing for more than 20 years.
An unfortunate aspect of his long-term contract with SuperClubs Breezes is that Bahamians generally no longer get to see Funky D perform unless at a special event away from SuperClubs Breezes, whose entertainment packages are provided primarily for their all-inclusive guests.
Recently, Grade 1 students at Xavier’s Junior School on Bay Street, near Fort Charlotte, Nassau, got to enjoy a “sample” of Funky D’s talent when he performed at the school to help them celebrate Bahamian Cultural Day on Thursday, May 24, 2019.
Asked for a comment on the students’ expressions of “thank you” on placards, Funky D stated, “Although I appreciated receiving a thank you for singing at the Grade 1 students at Xavier’s Junior School Cultural Day celebration, in fact, I am the one who is grateful for special moments like this. I hope these children continue to love music as much as they do today.”
Meanwhile, according to a photo posted by Master Motivator Spence Finlayson on his Facebook Page, today is Funky D’s birthday. In the photo, Finlayson and Funky D are pictured with a young lady wearing a shirt with the insignia DJ SEX. I do not know DJ SEX, but being mischievous and letting my mind wander, I’m assuming that she hosts an X-rated show at some after-hour club. In any case, I thought it would be OK to also share that photo with you.
So, join me in wishing one of my favourite entertainers, Funky D, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.