Sir Cornelius A. Smith performs his final inspection of the honor guard yesterday. (Photo/Torrell Glinton)


NASSAU, Bahamas — Sir Cornelius A. Smith formally demitted office as governor general yesterday evening, after serving for the last four years, The Nassau Guardian reported on Friday, September 1, 2023, in an article written by Executive Editor Candia Dames.

Succeeding him is former Deputy Prime Minister Cynthia Pratt, who previously served as deputy to the governor general, and who will be sworn in today.

“My life journey was long but extremely rewarding,” said Sir Cornelius at a ceremony at Government House attended by Bahamians and other dignitaries.

“The journey took me from the tiny settlement of Snow Hill in Long Island to Capitol Hill in Washington and then on to Mount Fitzwilliam. What a climb.

“The journey would not have been possible without the sound advice, without the generous support, without the encouragement of many, many persons along the way.”

Sir Cornelius, now 86, served as governor general from June 2019.

Prime Minister Philip Davis thanked him for his service as governor general and for his lifetime of service as a politician and as a diplomat.

“It is often said that public service is a calling,” Davis said.

“When this nation called Sir Cornelius, he answered with more than 40 years of service to the Bahamian people.

“When he was sworn in as governor general in June 2019, he could not have known that just a few months later, a Category 5 hurricane would devastate the Abacos and Grand Bahama leaving behind tragedy, destruction and grief and a sobering understanding of the dangers we confront in a new climate era.

“He also could not have known in June 2019 that less than a year into his service as the governor general, a pandemic would be the cause of so much disruption and interruption, yet throughout his term he served with a steadiness and propriety that were a source of support and reassurance for Bahamians.”

The prime minister noted that in November 2020, in recognition of the enormous need for support throughout the nation, Sir Cornelius oversaw the launch of the Volunteer Bahamas initiative.

“He was motivated, I’m sure, by his long record of philanthropic contributions and participation. The new initiative allows the Office of the Governor General to use its resources and influence to recruit and organize volunteers for the crucial work done by NGOs and charities.

“Last month, we passed the Volunteer Society Act 2023 so that Volunteer Bahamas can more robustly pursue the important goal of expanding volunteerism throughout our islands. Thank you, Sir Cornelius, for your vision and for laying the foundation for this initiative.”

See complete article in The Nassau Guardian at https://thenassauguardian.com/godspeed-sir-cornelius/


CAPTION: Sir Cornelius A. Smith performs his final inspection of the honor guard yesterday. Torrell Glinton