Aquinas College’s Kaiden Moss-Moultrie won the senior division and overall title of the 15th Laws of Life Essay Competition. LAWS OF LIFE ESSAY COMPETITION

NASSAU, Bahamas, June 26, 2023 — Aquinas College’s Kaiden Moss-Moultrie was the top scorer in the senior division and overall winner of the 15th Laws of Life Essay Competition. She walked away with a $1,000 scholarship and a prize that was matched equally for her school, The Nassau Guardian reported in an article written by Lifestyles Editor Shavaughn Moss,

University of The Bahamas’ Chanae Barr, C.H. Reeves’ Kevin Williams, Temple Christian School’s Dwayne Small, and Tambearly International School’s Terranique Burrows were winners in their respective categories.

They each also received a $1,000 scholarship as well as a prize of equal value for their respective schools. The coveted top awards for all the divisions were presented to 88 students from public and private schools, as well as local tertiary institutions.

Through essays and videos, participants demonstrated their understanding and application of the Laws of Life.

All participants selected one of the suggested Laws of Life for their division, explained its meaning, and offered personal insights, experiences and real-world examples of the law being applied. Some of the laws selected by the students were: “Help yourself by helping others”, “Those who do good do well”, “Success feeds on itself and creates more success”, and “Make yourself necessary to the world and mankind will give you bread”.

With The Bahamas celebrating its 50th anniversary of independence, the topics selected for this year’s competition focused on the words vision, progress, positivity, love, wisdom, learning, and success.

Participants applied their writing and video production skills to convey their ideas on how progress is fueled by diligence and perseverance.

Dr. Andrew Serazin, president of Templeton World Charity Foundation, congratulated the students on their participation in what he called the “super bowl” event of the foundation. He spoke to the purpose of the competition and its impact on students and our community.

“The [Laws of Life] can help us respond to a Facebook post, or a WhatsApp chat, a TikTok or even something like ChatGPT. But here in the real world, more importantly, you can use the Laws of Life to help a friend in need, or make a difficult decision in your life, or plan your own future. This year, the Laws of Life topics for all the individual divisions touched on aspects of how we can improve ourselves, and one common thread was that many essays included moving passages about the Bahamian journey to independence. These essays illustrate the vision of Sir John Templeton and the Templeton World Charity Foundation, not just to get by, but to flourish, as illustrated profoundly in the motto of the country, ‘Forward, Upward, Onward, Together’,” said Serazin at the award ceremony held on Thursday, June 8 at the Baha Mar Convention Center.

A joint venture initiative between Templeton World Charity Foundation and the Ministry of Education and Technical and Vocational Training, the Laws of Life Essay and Video Competition aims to encourage students, through their writing and video production, to reflect upon and articulate how the Laws of Life shape their lives, guide their decisions, and engender personal growth and positive contributions to society.

The 2023 competition was launched in November 2022, closing this year in early May. With approximately 1,700 entries obtained from students in grades five through 12, as well as students enrolled in local tertiary institutions, the markers and judges, officials say, faced the difficult task of selecting the winners from among an array of exceptional entries.

See complete article in The Nassau Guardian at https://thenassauguardian.com/kaiden-moss-moultrie-pens-overall-winning-laws-of-life-essay/?fbclid=IwAR22C6eBTptY_T0cH8Dl3kgmADkzjZnXyHG6OTeD7wa9gHY2cM4pK-jNsDs