(EDITOR’S NOTE: I had to share this BLOCKLEADERS PROFILE. Kimberly King Burns is one of the first persons I featured in my BAHAMIANS IN THE DIASPORA series when I was Press, Cultural Affairs and Information Manager at The Bahamas Embassy in Washington, D.C. for four-plus years before my diplomatic appointment ended in July of 2017. She is a ‘Briland Girl” who currently lives in California. Like myself, she is a devout Roman Catholic, who actually lived with Catholic Nuns while attending high school in New Providence. This is an excellent feature on Kimberly that provides far more details about her life than I did in my BAHAMIANS IN THE DIASPORA feature. You’ll certainly enjoy reading it.)
BLOCKLEADERS PROFILE: What do remote island living, digital media, and cryptocurrency have in common? Kimberly King Burns.
Imagine an upbringing where the very rich rub shoulders with the very poor and where manners maketh the (wo)man. Then think Harbour Island in the Bahamas where the lessons learnt from childhood equip serial entrepreneur, journalist, broadcaster and philanthropist Kimberly King Burns to work successfully and cherish the vulnerable in society. And to dream of a pan-Caribbean coin.
Kimberly was raised on Harbour Island in the Bahamas, the daughter of pioneers in the Out Island hospitality arena. Her mother had grown up in Hollywood and her father had been a fighter pilot in the second world war before working steadily as an actor in Hollywood for close to 30 years. She grew up on first-name terms with many of the children of the stars of the silver screen from Mitchums to Eastwoods to Garners with whom she is still on a first-name basis and currently working with their descendants on several projects.
Her parents moved permanently to Harbour Island when Kimberly was six and, despite her up-bringing far away from the madding crowds of cities, supermarkets, air-conditioning and television sets, there was nothing precious in her worldview then or now. In fact, growing up on Harbour Island is reminiscent of the summer’s running of a 20th century feel-good film. https://blockleaders.io/2018/12/06/kimberly-king-burns-playing-with-the-stars/