Leslia Brice, PLP candidate for Seabreeze, with a high school graduate in the Seabreeze constituency.


WASHINGTON, D.C., May 25, 2021 – Leslia Brice, the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) candidate for the Seabreeze in New Providence, continues to conduct an impressive campaign in her quest to become the next House of Assembly member for the Seabreeze constituency.

Earlier today, Ms. Brice posted two photos on her Facebook page with the following narrative:

Leslie Miller campaigning in Grand Bahama

“During my visits in the community of Seabreeze, I decided to surprise a few high school graduates with just a small congratulatory gift for all the hard work that lead them to Graduating.

“While in the community, I always take time to talk with the youth and find out from them how they are coping. This pandemic has had such a devastating impact on our children and it is so important to continuously encourage and mentor them through this tough time.

“To ALL Graduates, you’ve made it. Congratulations on your success. You are moving on to a new and exciting chapter in your life. If you were able to push through this tough time we face that means you can accomplish anything! I wish you all the best in the future that lies ahead.”

Education appears to be a special focus of Ms. Brice.  As I noted in a previous article, she certainly deserves the highest praise for her LB’s Learning Academy, which offered free after-school tutoring sessions for grades six, nine and twelfth grade students for five weeks in response to the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on The Bahamas’ educational system.

In that same article, I also mentioned that it should not surprise anyone who follows Bahamian politics that she is so politically savvy because she is the daughter of Leslie Miller, who has had a successful career in politics for  several decades.

In fact, he waged a contentious battle to be the PLP standard bearer in the upcoming general election for the Tall Pines constituency, which he represented in the House of Assembly for a number of years, but he lost out to Senator Dr Michael Darville.

However, whatever acrimony may have developed during Mr. Miller’s very public verbal battle with the PLP’s Nomination Committee over their refusal to grant him the nomination clearly have been resolved, given the fact that he was a member of the PLP delegation that accompanied PLP leader Philip “Brave” Davis and other top party officials to Grand Bahama from May 20 to May 23 for the official launch of the PLP campaign in Grand Bahama.