(EDITOR’S NOTE: I was compelled to share this very touching and excellently written article posted by Monique Pindling on her Facebook page as a Guest Commentary with readers of BAHAMAS CHONICLE.)
NASSAU, Bahamas — Last week a Facebook friend reminded me of the hurt and pain life’s experience can affect one’s heart and soul. She asked us to read a story of the loss of her sister losing her baby and said that these are the kind of issues plaguing us today. She also mentioned that these are issues in our country that go unnoticed or unaddressed. In the midst of the raging winds, in your midnight hour, unfortunately, your life doesn’t make headline news. Your feeling of brokenness and your aching, empty heart does not get the attention it so deserves and therefore, for so many, you are left alone to fend for yourself. For those who are alone, this pain has left a hole in your soul.
We live in a time where everyone is struggling for their lives; they are depressed, stressed, afraid and alone. The past hurts of abuse, molestation, rape, abandonment and unfulfilled dreams have left a hole in the soul. So, to my Facebook friend, I heard you loud and clear, and you inspired me to tell my story, and we must begin the conversation; we must start the process of healing the holes in people’s soul.

Almost 19 years ago, I was pregnant with my second child, Hailey. In my hospital room, with my family surrounding me, there was a deathly silence. There was a look of gloom and doom on everyone’s faces. The doctor then proceeded to tell me that poor little Hailey was not well and had numerous complications. Not fully comprehending what they said, I went to the NICU of PMH to see her. Looking at her, she appeared normal. Hailey was a beautiful baby with straight black hair and big brown eyes. However, I came to realize that she couldn’t see, she had no voice, she was unable to swallow, she couldn’t breathe on her own and so on.
Every day I went to the hospital, with tears rolling down my face, I would hold her while trying not to disconnect any of the tubes attached to her, I would feed her through a tube and tell her that everything would be okay, but I could see that she was struggling. We tried everything to make her better, but there was nothing that the doctors could do. My heart breaking into a million pieces, a heaviness came upon me, and I knew at that moment that my precious little Hailey would never come home. On 10th January 2003, my little Hailey had a heart attack and later died in my arms. She was only with us for three months.
I know that many of you have experienced some kind of hurt and pain in your life. It is something that no one should ever have to go through, but during that awful time in my life, I had the opportunity to help another woman who had also lost her baby. I listened to her, I held her hand, I wrapped my arms around her, and we grieved together. I told her that she was not alone. That experience taught me so much; I could have been bitter and angry. But I believe that God sent this woman to me who needed my help, and together we healed each other.
We are living in a time where everyone is struggling for their lives; they are depressed, afraid, angry and alone. Molestation, rape, domestic violence, abuse, loneliness, mental illness, depression, low self-esteem has left so many of us with a hole in our souls. ALL OUR EFFORTS TOWARDS POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WILL MEAN NOTHING IF WE FAIL TO DIRECT MORE ATTENTION TO THE NEGLECTED ASPECTS OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT.
A Nation’s only true natural resource is its people. If you have broken people, you will undoubtedly have a broken Nation.
I would like to say to my Facebook friend; my deepest condolences go to your sister and her family. A challenging experience, but with God’s grace, he will heal her broken heart.
To my other Facebook friends, if you know of anyone suffering in silence because no one is listening, assure them, hug them, tell them that you love them, and everything will be alright.
The time has come when we need to speak love and understanding. We must REDEEM the soul of our Nation. This is our awakening for the next generation to see and fulfil their purpose. Let’s set a new standard for generations to come. Let us be history makers in this land like our forefathers. Let us reflect on our past, so it stirs our faith for the future. We are the destination of choice; we are the destination of dreams. We must keep our eyes on the prize.