BUCKLEYS, Long Island, April 17, 2024 — Dr. Nicola Virgill-Rolle, Executive Director of the Lyford Cay Foundations and members of the Foundations Board of Directors, visited NGM Major High School yesterday to introduce students to the 50 for 50 Focus Programme – On Course to College Seminar. They were accompanied by a representative of the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI)
As a gift to The Bahamas on its 50th anniversary of Independence, Lyford Cay Foundations extended an invitation to 50 family Island students to attend a one week “On Course to College” seminar, which will be held during the FOCUS Summer SLAM in New Providence, July 15-19, 2024.
Yesterday’s meeting at NGM Major High was to discuss with senior students in detail the purpose of the “On Course to College” seminar.
As reported in The Long Island Runner News, “The Lyford Cay Foundations and BTVI representatives engaged with students and conversed with them about future college plans, fields of study and aspirations for the future. Students expressed their interest and excitement over the possibilities of a bright future with the assistance of Lyford Cay Foundations.”
Mrs. Virgill Rolle encouraged students to take advantage of the opportunities available and to make their career investment in The Bahamas after completion of their college education.
In addition to NGM Major High Principal Endal Adderley, principal, other education officials present were Mrs. Carla Rodgers, District Education Officer for Long Island District; and Mr. Kyle Williams, Guidance Counselor at NGM Major High.
Dr. Rolle was accompanied by members 50 for 50 Focus Programme team, including Sarah Farrington , Lyford Cay Foundations Board Member; Robin D’Alessandro, Lyford Cay Foundations Board Member; and Robin Symonette, Lyford Cay Foundations Board Member.
Also present were Jennie Hartley, British High Commission, and Dr. Pleshette McPhee, Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs (Acting.