BAHAMAS CHRONICLE EDITOR’S NOTE: The Bahamas Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture posted a collection of photos on Facebook on Monday, October 21, 2024, and I absolutely had to share some of them with readers of my Washington, D.C. — based online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean. — Oswald T. Brown, Editor of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE

Hon. Mario Bowleg, Minister of Youth, Sports and Culture led a delegation to CHOGM 2024 in Apia, Samoa Representing the Bahamas is Head of Division of Youth, Ms. Sandena Neely; Youth Officer, Mrs. Rayette Spence; Youth Ambassadors to the Commonwealth, Mr. Jordan Clarke; and Ms. Lashante Sampson.
Minister Bowleg spoke at the Commonwealth Youth Forum at CHOGM, and participated in the Discussion on Navigating Our Course: Empowering Youth To Strengthen Inclusive and Resilient Democracies.
Minister Bowleg highlighted the sitting Youth In Parliament. He advised Youths to have the dialogue with their seniors and that seniors should be open to Dialogues as well.