Minister for Grand Bahama the. Hon Ginger Moxey presents an honoree with her award at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture Drive-Up Recognition Ceremony on Saturday, November 6, at the C.A. Smith Building inFreeport.

FREEPORT, Grand Bahama — It was a day filled with pride on Saturday, November 6, 2021, as the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture Grand Bahama officially ended its “Youth Month” festivities by honoring 44 “resilient, innovative, creative and transformative” young persons at a Drive-Up Recognition Ceremony, under the patronage of the Minister for Grand Bahama the Honorable Ginger Moxey.

The 44 honorees were submitted for nominations by their respective organizations and were selected based on the criteria set by the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture.

The event was held at the entrance of the C.A. Smith Building in Freeport. Forty-four honorees were celebrated by family and friends, who assembled to watch them receive their awards from Minister Moxey.

The Minister noted it was “wonderful to see young people being recognized for the positive contributions they are making to our community,” and she thanked the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture for creating an initiative that highlighted the positive accomplishments of young persons on Grand Bahama.

Youth Month is nationally recognized during the month of October, and the Drive-Up Recognition Ceremony was the final scheduled event. Youth Coordinator at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture Carla Brown-Roker, noted that the Ministry had executed several initiatives to celebrate Youth Month this year, and her department created three programs to address the needs of Youth on Grand Bahama.

“First, we wanted to focus our attention on unemployment,” Mrs. Brown-Roker said. “Second, we focused on Mental Health, and our last initiative focused on honoring young persons who were nominated by their youth organizations.”

Family and friends celebrated as their loved ones received their Youth Recognition Awards.

Mrs. Brown-Roker added, “The criteria for the nomination were simple: the nominee must follow the organization’s rules, they must be a great role model for their peers, and they must work above and beyond the call of duty in their youth organization or ministry. These are the 44 youths we are celebrating today.”

The honorees were members of various organizations on Grand Bahama, including Sports, Church Youth Groups, Junior Achievement, Kiwanis Key Club, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Save The Bays, Rotaract Club, Boys Brigade, and the Girls Brigade.

We salute the 44 honorees, and we wish them all the best!