PLP chairman Fred Mitchell receives his first vaccine dose on Thursday.

NASSAU, Bahamas – Senator Fred Mitchell says the COVID-19 vaccine should be viewed as a tool in the country’s arsenal to open the economy, The Tribune reported on Friday, March 19.

Mr. Mitchell said that not only did he and Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip “Brave” Davis agree to receive the shot, but “all of us” intend to take the vaccine when it becomes available.

He addressed the matter in the Senate on Thursday, saying there were some of the view that the party had not made its position on the COVID-19 vaccine clear.

“I would like to address the question of the vaccines since it was raised,” he said. “I am not a vaccine denier and I think vaccines are valuable for health and people should, given the best science, take the vaccine. I will do it myself and Dr (Michael) Darville has said that he will do it. Our leader has said he will do it.

“I say this because I was just reading what the Attorney General has just forwarded to me the decision by the EU with regard to the specific vaccine, which is supplied here to The Bahamas, the AstraZeneca vaccine, which the EU now says their concerns have been allayed.”

Mr Mitchell said he was not trying to impose a choice on anyone, adding the matter came down to personal conviction.

“I know there are some religions who say as a matter of faith they do not believe in vaccines but as a public health issue I think it is important for us to address this as one of the tools in the arsenal to open up this economy,” Mr Mitchell said. See complete Tribune story at