Minister of Labour and Immigration the Hon. Keith Bell (left) and Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jamahl Strachan are pictured during the swearing-in ceremony for 20 naturalized Bahamian citizens on Thursday, November, 2021. (BIS Photo/Kristaan Ingraham)

NASSAU, Bahamas, November 5, 2021 — Minister of Immigration Keith Bell said yesterday that he anticipates swearing in between 10 to 20 people as naturalized Bahamian citizens weekly over the next month, The Nassau Guardian reported.

New naturalized citizens being sworn-in.

Yesterday, 20 new Bahamian citizens were sworn in during a naturalization ceremony at Monarch House on East Bay Street.

“There is a significant backlog and we are doing our endeavor best to make sure that we exercise the highest degree of caution in terms of exercising due diligence,” Mr. Bell said.

Mr. Bell said the current significant backlog is due largely in part to difficulties obtaining documents from other countries. However, he said the government’s plan to digitize the Immigration Department should also increase efficiency.

“We have to move from a paper system to one that is paperless, which will improve our overall efficiency,” Mr. Bell said. See complete story in The Nassau Guardian at