NASSAU, Bahamas, September 21, 2021 – Newly appointed Minister of Health and Wellness the Hon. Dr. Michael Darville’s first day of work included a meeting with union executives of the Consultant Physicians Staff Association, Bahamas Doctors Union, and the Nurses Union at the Ministry of Health and Wellness headquarters on Meeting Street on Tuesday, September 21.
Also present was Prime Minister the Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis, who said in his remarks after nine Ministers were sworn in on Monday that the newly appointed ministers were ready to deliver on the promise of a new day.

“We take office facing not one enormous crisis but several,” the Prime Minister said at the swearing-in. “…I want to be clear, we are not here to tinker at the edges of these problems, We are here to meet them head on. The Deputy Prime Minister and I share a bias in favor of both innovation and action.”
Obviously, the meeting with the hospital union executives was an affirmation that the new PLP government considers addressing the issues related to COVID-19 and the country’s current health crisis to be a top priority.
Following the meeting , the Prime Minister and Dr. Darville were taken on a tour of the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) and adjourning facilities by officials of the PMH and the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA).
The tour took in the Critical Care Block, the new Patient Registration, Waiting and Pharmacy areas, the ongoing renovations of the A&E space — inclusive of the ambulance bay, orthopedic clinic and wound care, the Maternity Ward corridor to the Legacy Entrance stairwell to Old Operating Theatre.
The entourage also briefly visited with patients in Male Surgical III, the newly renovated Male Surgical I, and viewed the COVID-unit, the exterior and clean spaces of the Special Pathogens Unit, the exterior morgue storage coolers, and other facilities.