During their visit to The Bahamas in March of 2022, Prince William and Kate Middleton, The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, visited the island of Eleuthera, where  –as Thea Nixon  notes n her article – a photo went viral of “Princess Kate slurping down the prelude to many of yinna conception…” The conch pistol Kate is pictured “slurping down” is proclaimed by many Bahamians to be an aphrodisiac.


(EDITOR’S NOTE: Thia Nixon posted this thought-provoking commentary on Facebook in her inimitable  style of writing that I decided to share it with readers of BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and, of course, The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean.)

ATLANTA, Georgia, June 7, 2023 –As we approach our 50th Independence in The Bahamas, I am within my right to express my thoughts on the rumor that the national dish has been declared Boiled Fish. Who was the conch who decided that when boiled fish is not unique to the region much less Bahamas?

Thia Nixon, President of The Ambassador Agency

Which brings me to my next point, that you understood exactly what I meant when I said “who is the conch”. Conch is our culture, cuisine and colloquium – PERIODT!

NOTHING defines being Bahamian like the conch. From the time our ancestors, black and white, made their way to Florida and were called conchs by the Key West and Miami folks who thought us scornful for eating the sea snail, to today’s Conch Man races in the north and Conch Festivals on multiple islands. To the term “conchie joe” being offensive to some, embraced by others, to referring to those drifting to sleep as “diving conch”.

The food… now let’s talk about how the first thing we look for on our return home is a conch snack or requesting anyone traveling to pack conch and freeze it in salt water. Let’s talk about the evolution from scorch conch to tropical salad to the CYC patrol shutting down the Miami bloody Mary version of conch salad and fried conch or conch balls as they call our conch fritters and cracked conch. How about the family from Briland claiming their grandmother invented cracked conch and while some dispute it, no other nation dares enter the debate.

And let’s not forget of all that they did to pomp and pageantry the royals on their visit, it was not the ball that went viral but rather this photo of Princess Kate slurping down the prelude to many of yinna conception that hit all the media outlets while the future King looked on appalled and disgusted. Imagine that… we have a whole aphrodisiac from this, not berl fish.

I have yet to meet a guest saying “omg you got to try the boiled fish!” I don’t even want it on a hot day! Give my my conch salad, I’ll even eat it with mayo like yinna northern set. I een never hear bout a fish berling contest, just a conch shell cracking one.

As for me, my most treasured jewelry, they remain my pink conch pearls, including one I got for my birthday. I just ordered me and my daughter  conch charms to wear this 50th along with them. Plus I love my conch shell bowls and other trinkets our talented artisans have made. Show me your berl fish  jewelry… my point.

And at the end of the day, like JaQuay Adderley says, we are more than concherers!

So, whoever is in the decision-making for this, please consider this my contribution to the 50th.


Lady Arthia Nixon

Of The Eleutheran Adventurers House of Pineapples 🍍 🐚 🇧🇸

Distinguished Juicy Bahamian Food Group Member

Conch connoisseur, buyer and supplier


March on Bahamaland still yuh see….

EDITOR’S NOTE: Thia Nixon is President of The Ambassador Agency, a public relations company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.