WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Electoral Observation Mission (EOM) of the Organization of American States (OAS) on Monday, July 19, began its deployment to observe the General Elections in Saint Lucia scheduled for July 26.
The Mission is headed by the Secretary for Access to Rights and Equity of the OAS, Maricarmen Plata. A Panamanian national, Secretary Plata has extensive experience in developing initiatives focused on the analysis and promotion of international public law and human rights.
The Mission is comprised of 11 experts and observers from 9 different countries and will focus its work on the examination of issues related to electoral organization and technology, electoral registries, political finance, and the political participation of women, among others.
In Saint Lucia, the Mission will meet with government officials, electoral authorities, political leaders, candidates, representatives of civil society and other relevant actors, which will allow for a comprehensive analysis of the process.
This is the third time the OAS will deploy an Electoral Observation Mission in Saint Lucia. After the elections, the Mission will present a preliminary report with its observations and recommendations which aims at contributing to the continued strengthening of the electoral process in the country.
(SOURCE: OAS website)