WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS) will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, September 20, at 10:00 EDT in the Simon Bolivar room at OAS headquarters in Washington, D.C., to celebrate the International Day of Democracy and to receive the Second Report of the Working Group on Haiti, among other topics.
Announcing this on Monday, September 18, the OAS said the meeting will be broadcast live – with interpretation in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese- on the OAS Website and the OAS Facebook page
The meeting will be held in the Simon Bolivar room of the OAS, 17th Street & Constitution Avenue. N.W
His Excellency The Chet Donavan Neymour is The Bahamas Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the OAS
PRESS CONTACT: Mónica Reyes (MReyes@oas.org)