NASSAU, Bahamas — Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources Michael Pintard is hoping a revamp of the Fisheries Act will address the deficiencies within the Department of Marine Resources and make it easier for the country to profit from the fisheries sector, the Nassau Guardian reported August 22.
Pintard said an extensive review of the act is ongoing, with the aim of not only increasing penalties for those caught in contravention of the laws, but also streamlining the efficiency of the department.
“The first is, we’re reviewing the Fisheries Act; we expect that the stakeholders that are reviewing it will forward it to me sometime in September, and in October or so I will take it to Cabinet,” Pintard said in a recent interview with Guardian Business. https://thenassauguardian.com/2018/08/22/pintard-hoping-fisheries-act-revamp-will-address-deficiencies/