Progressive Liberal Party leader Philip “Brave” Davis

NASSAU, Bahamas, April 7, 2021 – The Hon. Philip “Brave” Davis, leader of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), has expressed his wish for a “speedy and full recovery” of Trinidad and Tobago’s Prime Minister Dr. Keith Rowley, who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

Dr. Keith Rowley, Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago

In a statement released yesterday, Mr. Davis said: “The Progressive Liberal Party takes note of news reports that Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister, Keith Rowley, has been diagnosed with COVID-19. We wish him a speedy and full recovery as he remains in our thoughts and prayers. Instances of high profile personalities and even Heads of States falling victim to this potentially deadly virus and disease are lessons that none of us is immune to or exempted from COVID-19.”

Referring to his own battle with COVID-19 in August of 2020, Mr. Davis added, “I am a living testament that COVID-19 does not discriminate. This also reminds us all that we here at home are not out of the woods and therefore we must take every health and safety precaution to mitigate the community spread and transmission of this virus. The PLP takes this opportunity to urge Bahamians to continue to sanitize, wear your masks, avoid large crowds and to consistently practice social distancing.”

According to the Trinidad Guardian on Wednesday, April 7, “Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley is said to be ‘holding his own’ after testing positive for COVID-19 yesterday. Rowley experienced flu-like symptoms on Monday and was subsequently tested for COVID-19, with the test coming back positive. Yesterday, Rowley was said to be in isolation and under medical supervision at an undisclosed location in Tobago.”

The Guardian noted that Dr. Rowley’s “positive COVID test came on the day when the long-awaited national vaccine rollout began, when Rowley himself was initially scheduled to be vaccinated.”