NASSAU, Bahamas, April 19, 2021 – Expressing concern over the “growing number of COVID cases in The Bahamas,” Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) leader Philip “Brave” Davis said in a statement released on Sunday, April 18, that the PLP will restrict campaigning during a third wave of COVID-19.
“In the Ministry of Health’s most recent COVID update, they reported that out of 324 persons tested, there were 62 positive test results,” Mr. Davis said in his statement. “This means that nearly one out of every five are COVID-positive, for a positivity rate of 20%. Such a high percentage of positive tests indicates high COVID infection rates and also suggests an increase in testing is warranted.”
Mr. Davis’ statement added: “In addition, the report indicates that 10% of active cases are in hospital. Neither the Minister of Health nor the Competent Authority has communicated specific initiatives to the Bahamian public for mitigating the impact of this third wave. This continues to be a government that reacts instead of planning ahead.”
Noting that the PLP is not going to wait for the government’s guidance in order to act, Mr. Davis declared: “We are therefore announcing a pull-back on in-person campaigning and implementing the following:
- Canvassing will take place in groups no larger than five. Canvassers should not enter homes, but stay outside at a distance of several feet, with masks on at all times.
- PLP candidates are already undergoing weekly COVID testing as part of our internal protocols designed to reduce COVID risks. This will continue.
- The PLP had planned to hold a meeting this week to ratify additional candidates. This meeting is postponed until further notice.
- We will issue details regarding further measures in the next few days.
Continuing, Mr. Davis’ statement added: “Last week, I called on the Prime Minister to show that his actions could match his rhetoric about the importance of keeping Bahamians safe. He talks the talk but does not walk the walk. He has increased FNM campaign activities even while asking Bahamians to restrict their own gatherings.
“His failure to communicate the date for the elections is further evidence of his disregard for Bahamians (as well as representing one of many broken promises); removing uncertainty about the date could allow all political parties to create campaign plans that reduce risk to Bahamians.
“The PLP Covid Task Force will continue to follow scientific updates and advise our campaign. In the meantime, we are planning a number of virtual events to share our Economic Plan with the Bahamian people.”