NASSAU, Bahamas – Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader Philip “Brave” Davis said in a statement released on Friday, April 30, that the “threat and possibility of residents and businesses in South Eleuthera, San Salvador, and Inagua having their water supply cut-off come Monday, 3rd May, is deeply concerning and troubling,” declaring that “the government must act now.”
The statement noted that Aqua Design Bahamas, the owner/operator of the reverse osmosis plants that supply potable water in those islands, made this recent announcement:
“The PLP has repeatedly and is again calling on Prime Minister Minnis and the FNM government to carry out its sacred duty – to govern. It is most unfortunate that this FNM government has allowed this matter with the suppliers to fester/escalate to this dire and critical point.
“While water is at all times an essential good, in the face of a coronavirus pandemic with water noted as a key preventative measure component, the government must act in a more caring and competent manner. The implications are a deadly threat to public health in those islands and yet another potential blow is dealt to an already struggling economy. What could be more important to a government than to save lives and local businesses. It cannot be as the word on the ground suggests that some in authority stand to gain financially by way of an alternative supplier to Aqua Design Bahamas. The people of the Bahamas have come to learn that this FNM government lacks transparency, but we hope not to the extend that they would intentionally fail to arrive at a settlement with an essential service supplier in order to create an opportunity for selfish gain.
“Monday is fast approaching. Our people deserve better than, as they put it, this stunning, disgusting, and critical uncertainty. We call on Prime Minister Minnis and this seemingly uncaring FNM government to ACT NOW on behalf of the residents and businesses in South Eleuthera, San Salvador, and Inagua.’