NASSAU, Bahamas — A Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) government would provide free COVID-19 testing and vaccines to the public if elected to office, PLP Deputy Leader Chester Cooper said on Sunday, the Nassau Guardian reported on March 8.

“We have a moral duty to bring immediate relief to the thousands who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in dire circumstances,” Mr. Cooper said during the unveiling of the PLP’s economic plan. “It starts with a COVID-19 plan that goes beyond vaccines and lockdowns, to save livelihoods as well as lives.

PLP Deputy Leader Chester Cooper

“We will offer free testing to all Bahamians concerned they’ve been exposed to COVID-19; eliminate restrictions not based on science; strengthen isolation protocols in clinics and hospitals; increase the speed of contact tracing to stop new outbreaks; engage in a public education campaign to give Bahamians the information they need to mitigate their risk, especially through improved ventilation, in their homes, churches and places of business.”

Mr. Cooper said the government would need funding to purchase vaccines at market price to ensure vaccines are available for everyone wishing to take them.

“[We would] provide free COVID-19 vaccines…to all Bahamians who wish to take them,” he said. “This would require funding to purchase vaccines directly at market rates rather than wait for subsidized cost vaccines like the COVAX mechanism.”

Mr. Cooper, however, noted that access to vaccines wouldn’t immediately solve The Bahamas’ issues.

“Although we are all truly tired of COVID, it is irresponsible to pretend that vaccinations will magically make things better overnight,” he said. See complete Nassau Guardian story at