Prime Minister Philip E. Davis

NASSAU, Bahamas — Prime Minister Philip Davis said yesterday that through his travels he has forged partnerships that are paying off for The Bahamas, The Nassau Guardian reported on Thursday, June 8, 2023, in an article written by Travis Cartwright-Carroll.

Davis brushed off criticism from the Free National Movement (FNM) that he travels too frequently.

“We have forged partnerships on border patrol and joined forces with other nations on regional gun smuggling,” he said.

“We are making headway in the areas of international trade and intellectual property protection. And we are working along with the rest of the Caribbean and to protect all of our nations from the ravages of climate change.

“These are worthy endeavors that will pay off.

“[US] Vice President Kamala Harris is coming to The Bahamas, which is the first official visit by a sitting president or vice president since independence.

“You see, when you conduct strategic international relations, you don’t sit in a hotel corridor hoping that a world leader will spare you a few minutes. When you are representing yourself well, they come to see you.

“This face-to-face time with the leader of a global superpower will potentially yield important resolutions on many of the things we have been advocating for. But, once again, those opposite will attempt to undervalue this moment.”

Harris will visit The Bahamas today to meet with CARICOM leaders.

She will meet with them to discuss climate change, White House Press Secretary Kirsten Allen said in a recent statement.

The meeting will be co-hosted by Harris and Davis, the current chair of CARICOM.

“This meeting builds on the vice president’s previous meetings with Caribbean leaders in April 2022, at the June 2022 Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, and in September 2022,” Allen said.

“The vice president’s trip delivers on the Biden-Harris administration’s commitment to advance cooperation with the Caribbean in pursuit of shared prosperity and security, and in recognition of the common bonds and interests between our nations.

“The US-Caribbean leaders meeting will address a range of regional issues. In particular, the vice president and Caribbean leaders will continue discussions on shared efforts to address the climate crisis, including by promoting climate resilience and adaptation in the Caribbean region and by increasing energy security through clean energy.”

Davis said travel and interaction with allies “is part of the job”.

See complete article in The Nassau Guardian at,partnerships%20that%20are%20paying%20off%20for%20The%20Bahamas.