WASHINGTON, D.C., Sept. 22, 2023 – The Office of the Prime Minister today posted a collection of photos taken at the Broadcasting Corporation of the Bahamas (BCB) official relaunch of ZNS that I absolutely had to share with readers of my online publication, BAHAMAS CHRONICLE, which has a huge following among the Bahamian diaspora across the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom as well as in The Bahamas and the wider Caribbean
The Office of the Prime Minister posted the photos with the following narrative:
“Last night, the Prime Minister attended the official relaunch of ZNS at the Margaritaville on West Bay Street. Under the leadership of the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas Chairman Picewell Forbes, some 16 new shows were launched that night, featuring an experienced talent pool in journalism.
ZNS is the only national broadcasting station that reaches every community of the Bahamas, and we support their forward movement to expand this reach across the region and worldwide as a global broadcasting station.”
Earlier this week on ZNS-TV Evening News, BCB General Manager Clint Waton said, “We’ve been working for the past few months on rebranding and relaunching ZNS, giving people more of what they’ve been asking for … and so tomorrow night we give a sneak peak in a relaunch and rebrand to government officials, to our sponsors, our main advertisers. They’ll get to see what the new ZNS will look like. We’re branding, we’re bringing out 18 new shows. Can you imagine, 18 new shows. Eleven of them are news and current affairs programming and seven of them are local entertainment programs.”
Watson added, “We’re excited that all of these shows are being produced right here at the Broadcasting Corporation by producers, technical people, on air talent. We’ve been adding to the team new on-air people, new technical people and they’ve been working extremely hard and we’re excited to release to the public the new ZNS and news lineup and programming. And, of course, our product. This product, The Bahamas Tonight, will be totally revamped and tomorrow night they’ll get to see what the new Bahamas Tonight will look like.”