Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley (left) congratulating political officer at the British High Commission, Gilly Metzgen, on being awarded the British Empire Medal for her service in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. At right is High Commissioner Scott Furssedonn-Wood. (Picture by Reco Moore.)

BARBADOS — There are strengths in partnership. That was the message delivered by Prime Minister Mia Mottley during the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations held at the British High Commissioner’s residence on Wednesday, Barbados Today reported on on Friday, June 3.

The event, which was one of many held in Commonwealth countries around the world, was attended by local and international dignitaries.

Prime Minister Mottley said that despite the view by some that Barbados’ move to a republic last year was a direct rebuke of the Queen’s influence, the United Kingdom and Barbados remain close allies in the face of mounting challenges facing nations across the globe.

She stressed that the current relationship is one that should continue to grow and develop, particularly during these uncertain times when issues such as climate change, human rights, and war dominate.

“The relationship between our two countries is at a point where, more than ever, we need collaboration and cooperation, because in this world most of the events that are hurting us are events that need to be resolved through collaboration and partnership, and through the establishment of a clear framework for what we must settle as global public goods,” Prime Minister Mottley said.

“It is not those things we can handle within our geographical boundaries that have really given us the hardest road to travel, but it is the absence of a global framework to deal with those things that have effectively undermined global prosperity and global stability.” See complete article in Barbados Today at